I love green tea, so when I came across this product on Amazon, I decided to buy it because of its premium-looking packaging; if it looks good, it must taste good. And it does.

The packaging has a dispenser, which I feel is a nice design touch, as it feels more elegant to pull a sachet out of the box than to shove your big, ugly hand into it.

Each tea bag comes in its own sachet, which adds to its premium feel and helps maintain its freshness for longer.
I really like this tea as its light and refreshing, and the balance between the green tea and matcha is perfect. If the matcha flavour was any stronger, I think it would start getting too bitter after half a mug.
I couldn't drink several mugs of this on a daily basis, as I would get sick of the matcha flavour by the end of the day, but I could definitely drink this several times a week.
If you like green tea and matcha, I highly recommend trying this one.
Score: 4.3 / 5
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